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Rock Tape


So what exactly is the deal with RockTape?


Does it actually accomplish anything?


Rocktape / Kinesiotape is a revolutionary kinesiology taping product that’s used to reduce inflammation and pain, relax tired muscles and support the proper movement of joints and muscles. It seems simple, but the patients and athletes I see at my office call it magic. Here’s how it works:


Think joint function and posture. This use of kinesiology tape is similar to how typical athletic tape is used. If an athlete has knee problems, for example, you might see us apply RockTape to help stabilize the supporting ligaments that might be weak or damaged. The tape provides support to keep the knee in proper alignment, but it also can improve proprioception so the athlete becomes more aware of how to correctly move that joint.


This helps athletes improve biomechanics more quickly than if they were just given corrective exercises to do without any tape.


RockTape can also be used to promote better posture. There are a variety of ways to apply the tape to the lower or upper back in order to:

Engage the musculature around the lumbar spine in order to support the lumbar curve.
Support an upright posture where tight shoulders tend to pull the upper back into a hunched position.

With chronic pain and old injuries, it’s common to move a part of your body in an unnatural way to avoid pain or simply because it doesn’t want to move that way. Over time, muscle memory sets in, and that movement becomes fixed. RockTape helps to recreate your natural movement patterns.

Tape is applied to complement a movement, so it creates resistance if that movement isn’t happening correctly. It’s basically a gentle tug on your muscles to encourage them to move correctly.


When RockTape is applied to the skin over muscles, it helps lift and separate skin, fascia, and muscle tissues. This is helpful for two reasons.


First, the separation of these tissues allows for better blood flow to the area. This means an increased supply of nutrients and oxygen to the area, along with an increased rate at which lymph and waste is drawn out of the area. All of this can mean increased rates in healing.


Second, adhesions are basically places in the body where fascia tissue has stuck to each other. Fascia tissue surrounds muscle and helps muscles glide past each other. So when adhesions occur, muscles aren’t moving at full capacity. RockTape can help separate adhesions so muscles can move how they’re supposed to!



What? Slapping some tape on my skin is going to help relieve pain?

When RockTape is applied to the skin, your brain recognizes that something is touching you through sensory nerves. The brain becomes more focused on those sensory nerves firing, and it forgets about the nerves that are sending pain signals from that area. It’s called the ‘gate phenomenon’.


This is particularly helpful in chronic pain patients who may be avoiding certain movements because of the pain.

This can also be helpful in terms of nerve impingement. RockTape can physically lift tissue off the impinged nerves and relieve some discomfort.



Before, during, or after a competition.
RockTape helps fatigued muscles recover more quickly and lessens your chance of injury.


After an injury.
When it comes to recent injuries, massage can sometimes do more harm than good, but applying RockTape can help reduce swelling, manage pain, and speed up the recovery process.


After a chiropractic adjustment.
Using RockTape after an adjustment can help make adjustments more permanent.

Before a road trip (or any activity that requires lots of standing or sitting).
Personally, long car rides hurt my knees because my quads get so tight. Applying RockTape to my quads and knees helps reduce muscle fatigue so my quads don’t tighten up as quickly.

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